How to Make Spiced Apple Jam at Home | Homemade Jam Recipes

Homemade Spiced Apple Jam / Butter Recipe
Preparation & Cooking Time: 25 - 30 mins


Apple Pulp: 2 and half cups (approx. 3-4 apples)
Sugar : 1 cup
Ginger Paste: 1 and half tsp
Cinnamon Powder: 1/2 tsp
Cloves Powder: 1/4 tsp or more
Lemon Juice: 1 tsp


1. Wash, peel, core and dice the apples.

2. Grind them in a mixer grinder to make the pulp. 

3. Combine the apple pulp, sugar, ginger paste, powdered cinnamon and powders cloves in a heavy bottomed pan and cook until a thick consistency. 

4. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching. The jam should be thick and easily spreadable.

5. When it's done, add the lemon juice and mix very well.  

6. Switch off the flame and let it cool completely.  

7. Store in a sterilized jar in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

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